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Health and Dental Coverage - The Johnson Personal Health Plan - Designed with you in mind.

Call us today at 1.800.461.4155 or click here for an application form.

The Johnson Personal Health Plan offers competitive rates and comprehensive coverage designed to protect you and your family from the financial strain associated with unexpected health expenses. Coverage options include: prescription drugs, dental, vision, and more!

Put your mind at ease with one of Canada's leading insurance providers - Johnson Inc.


The Johnson Difference

  • No waiting period for benefits to start
  • Convenient pay-direct card
  • Plan options that meet your needs, with single, couple and family rates
  • Convenient monthly deductions
  • Automatic renewal, regardless of any changes in health status
  • Premiums are tax deductible

Important Notice: You have received this email as a member of ACPO. The Johnson Personal Health Plan is a Health and Dental plan administered by Johnson Inc. Claims and risk are managed by Green Sheild Canada. The content appearing herein is for information purposes and is not an offer of insurance. It is not meant to substitute or replace any policy contract.

Green Shield Canada